The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Multi-Million Dollar Membership Sites for Your Customers with Micah Mitchell



Today we are joined by a very dear friend & special guest - Micah Mitchell.. Micah has been growing and automating online businesses since I was first figuring out HTML. I met him via his online sales videos and ‘follow the bouncing ball’ style infusionsoft ‘how to’ videos.. In fact, Micah was one of the 3 guys who really helped me get my brain wrapped around business automation.. A year or so after I first found his stuff online, I bought into one of his courses.. few months later I joined one of his coaching programs… Time went on.. and a few years later, Micah became one of my own clients… Then we became good friends and I really owe this guy a lot.. He’s the one some of the big names I’m sure people on this call have heard of - would sneak in the back door to setup their marketing for them. This will be our second interview with Micah.. The first was on the rockefeller habits, hiring right the first time around and creating info products people want. Today he’s coming here as founder and CEO of M