The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Do You Know Your Entrepreneur Personality Type? It Will Unlock Your Full Potential - With Alex Charfen



Alex has dedicated his life to answering the question, How do you make a business grow? which evolved into a larger calling to understand How do you help people grow? It was this transition that led Alex, quite unexpectedly, to uncover a previously mislabeled and misunderstood population among us: the Entrepreneurial Personality Type™ (EPT). For the past two decades, Alex has created and curated proven business philosophies, models and strategies geared specifically to entrepreneurs. Expert in business growth with majority ownership of several multimillion-dollar businesses, Alex has been invited to share his strategies with business owners across the country and around the world. He’s been featured on MSNBC, CNBC, FOX News, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and The Huffington Post to provide his unique views and insights. He’s here today to share his story with us as well as his message, which I think is really really important.. Enjoy!! --- Mission Statement: My mission is to create 200 new multi-mil