Risen Church Nc

Crossroads: Under Grace - Romans 6:11-23



In this message, we unpack yet another powerful passage from Romans, regarding the impact salvation should and can have on a believer. After teaching us about what it means to be "alive in Christ" and "made new", Paul takes us deep into a conversation about grace and sin. Now that we're under grace, we can come out from under sin. We no longer have to be slaves to sin, because sin is no longer our master. If we are still obeying our sinful nature and walking in the flesh, we are out of step with Christ. Romans 6 is a must-read text for any believer, but especially anyone that is struggling to break free from their old life. Paul gives us practical instruction about how we can take full advantage of our forgiveness and freedom. He calls us to a place of total dependency and devotion to Christ, so that we can be filled with His life and power. As we'll discover, following Jesus removes the burden of sin and the pressure of religion, and opens us up to True and Eternal Life.