Empowerment Radio Show

Maria Arvanitidis, Author, Reverend and so much more!



The coming together to promote and support our authentic energetic signature of empowerment from within. A place where we can freely express the sharing of our own light with others; through inspirational enlightenment and on our way to blissful dimensional stimulating conversations. To help unlock emotional suppression whilst transitioning through many a dark night of the soul and into awakening; the transformation to emerge and see again, with wisdom to realign, embrace what we prefer and engage with an open heart bandwidth frequency. RMA’s Social Media Platforms: Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/marvanitidis1  https://peerlessmoments.com/   peerlessmomemts@gmail.com Love’s Creation Unlimited https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT6OYgr_DgZUm0LJY2tjKYA   Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry