Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 107: Rosie Moulton - Vision: Living Hope - 17 April 2022



Easter is a time when we as followers of Christ, are once more reminded that God’s ways are not our ways. On the first Easter Sunday Jesus disciples woke up full of grief, thinking and believing that everything they had hoped for in Jesus, their promised messiah, was now lying dead in a tomb. Fortunately for all of us this was not the end of the story. Jesus had risen and he revealed himself to many women and men that day including two disciples as they walked the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. As they walked Jesus came along side them and set their hearts ablaze as he spoke to them and revealed himself to them in the scriptures. He then he broke bread with them and opened their eyes to the reality that he was indeed alive and risen from the dead. Jesus comes to us in the same way today and walks along side us, in the midst of life and circumstances that we may not fully understand. Out of his great love for us and kindness towards us, he meets with us, reveals himself to us and fills us with his living hope.