Lit Lit Lit Lit

LIT LIT LIT LIT VII and Charcuterie 2 - Stacey Ho, Sam Weselowski, Julia Dahee Hong and Sung Pil Yoon



00:05:42 Stacey Ho (contributor to Charcuterie 2) reads a short text based off of an interview with her aunt, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and “Adventures from the Third Bureau,” published in Charcuterie 2. 00:23:41 Sam Weselowski celebrates his first reading by sharing two poems by the American poet Jack Spicer and then follows up with some of his own poems. 00:36:44 Julia Dahee Hong reading about awkward late night pizza transactions and a wool sweater repair by a Master Tailor as documented in her new chap book “A Reasonable Request.” 00:52:26 Sung Pil Yoon (contributor to Charcuterie 2) reads the second text from “The Bus as Hostile Architecture”; a series of five short stories about public transit that will appear consecutively in Charcuterie.