Risen Church Nc

Jesus: Crucified - John 19



2000 years ago, Crucifixion wasn't something only heard about in history books, it was a constant backdrop of every day life. In the Roman Empire, people were crucified regularly, and as a result everyone was familiar with the sights and sounds of this brutal, inhumane practice. This makes the demand for Jesus to be crucified all the more bewildering. Over the last few days of Jesus' life, the cries were ever-growing for Him to be put to death in the most devastating way. What had humanity come to? How could things have descended to this place. Was this the world and the people to whom God had sent Jesus? Was there any hope for redemption and regeneration? As Jesus suffered, John tells us that His mother Mary watched it all from the hillside. Can you imagine the emotions she experienced? Assuredly, God the Father watched from Heaven as well. Both were near the cross, not only in proximity but participation. While Mary felt helpless, surely God could do something about this. Jesus was one with the Father