Risen Church Nc

Jesus: Unfollowed - John 12:27-37



On Palm Sunday, Jesus was by far the most popular person in all the land and had enough support to overturn both Temple and Empire. By Friday of the same week, everything had changed. Everyone had turned on Jesus. Shouts of praise had turned into jeers. "Hosanna" was replace with "Crucify Him!" How did this happen? How did Jesus go from beloved to betrayed? Chosen to cursed? Destined for exaltation to delivered over for extermination? The Apostle John was there for it all and gives us the inside scoop of how it all unfolded. He heard the sermon after the parade on Palm Sunday that thinned the crowds. He heard the rumors of the religious leaders colluded with Judas to set a trap for Jesus. He tells us exactly how Jesus went from adored to unfollowed. Listen as we unpack how Jesus' movement appeared to unravel over a single week. One thing becomes clear with each passing day, Jesus wasn't panicking at all. Even when He was left alone, arrested, and falsely accused, He was absolutely committed to His plan -