Kevin Whitsitt

Is it Profitable to Buy Websites?



Click on the link below to learn more on buying and selling a website.  Hey, wutz going on?   Today, I want to talk about buying and selling websites.   Maybe, this has crossed your mind it's too much work to create a website or blog what if I just purchased one that was already successful.    Then I could get passive income from it, right?  When it comes to buying a website it’s probably better to know what you’re doing. It’s a good idea to build a website from scratch first before thinking of buying one that is already built.   Sure building a website is slower, but there can be a lot of education in growing it. You can then use that education to evaluate websites.  Plus, if you know what your doing you can take a website that you purchased and improve it.    If you created a website and built it up so you’re actually earning money ($100 a month) then you already have a good foundation