Quiet Confidence With Dr Tess Crawley

Ep. 81: EXCITING NEWS! In-person events are back!



Why exactly am I so excited? Well some of it is a secret for now, but here’s what I can tell you … EXCITING NEWS! In addition to new online courses (announcement coming next week), I’m putting together a series of in-person events in Melbourne! It’s been such an incredibly long time since I’ve been able to run workshops, and I can’t wait to get back into that space again.  I’m planning something incredibly spoiling … think stunning views, expert catering, and a whole day of indulgence (which is how I think of time spent working ON our businesses instead of IN our businesses).  If you keep your eye out, you might see a sneak peak of the venue when I inspect it next Wednesday! What’s coming? … Workshops and working days … I’m planning at least a couple of events for the second half of this year. At least one will be a training day (think CEO Mindset on steroids) and at least one will be a working day (think No Quarter on speed!). They’ll be priced at around the $440 per head mark for a one-day event,