Risen Church Nc

Aftermath: Footnotes - Acts 1



For the most part, those recognized as famous throughout history were people of power, wealth, and great success. However, when it comes to the history of the Christian faith, most of the people that we celebrate were relative nobodies in their day compared to their contemporary leaders and influencers. It is truly remarkable how kings and rulers of the ancient world are mere footnotes in the stories of peasants, shepherds, and refugees. The truth is, the stories from ancient Israel and the first century church only survived because the original followers of Jesus believed they were worth telling. They were willing to sacrifice everything to make the redemption story known to everyone, everywhere. In this message, we take one more look at the aftermath of the Resurrection and see how Jesus convinced the disciples to choose Him instead of an easier, more convenient path. We also see how this same calling is over our lives, how we are sent just like the first century church was. The question over us today