American Checklist

Come Back Stronger, Two Years Later Ep. 38



Coming Back Stronger, Two Years Later Although a lot of businesses suffered over the past two years of the global pandemic, many entrepreneurs have not only survived, but actually expanded and grown. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young talk about how and why they thrived during the lockdown and what they believe things will be like now that we’re getting back to meeting in person. In This Episode: Keep it moving: For certain types of audiences, you have to keep things moving in order to keep their attention and focus. Talk about them: A reliable way to keep your clients engaged is to avoid abstractions and talk only about the clients. Feeling very strong: Entrepreneurs who were able to expand and grow over the last two years are feeling very strong right now. Less fragile: Entrepreneurial companies who receive coaching are less fragile than they’d otherwise be. On check writers: The best people on whom to test out a new product or service are the people who write your checks. Marketing and sales change: Your marketin