Magamama With Kimberly Ann Johnson: Sex, Birth And Motherhood

EP 157: Wreckage, Ritual, and Witnessing through Threshold Experiences with Day Schildkret



In this episode, Kimberly and Day discuss rituals and reflections for life-altering experiences. Our culture does not hold much space for processing how threshold events change us such as birth, postpartum, death, and all forms of comings and goings in our lives. Day describes what led him to his work of “Morning Altars” and newest book “Hello, Goodbye” which was a series of life-changing moments that he calls “wreckage” and how he pieced together rituals to acknowledge those experiences and their influence. Together, they discuss how to create rituals for all kinds of life moments, especially those which impact us deeply.   Bio Day Schildkret is an internationally known artist, teacher, and author. His two books “Morning Altars: A 7-Step Practice to Nourish Your Spirit Through Nature, Art, and Ritual” and “Hello. Goodbye: 75 Rituals for Times of Loss, Celebration, and Change” help readers connect with art, nature, and ritual. His work has been featured on NBC, CBS, as well as BuzzFeed, Vice, Well+Good, and m