People And Projects Podcast: Project Management Podcast

PPP 357 | Loneliness on Your Team—And What You Can Do About It, with author Steven Van Cohen



The Crisis of Loneliness One of my least favorite phrases over the last couple of years is the term Social distancing. I understand the idea and I worked to be diligent about keeping others safe. But that’s physical distancing--and that had its place. Social distancing, on the other hand, has been arguably devastating. My guest today says that, without even realizing it, we are subtly turning our backs on humanity every day. Steven Van Cohen joins us today to talk about his new book entitled Connectable: How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All In. It’s a book about the crisis of loneliness and in today’s discussion, Steven talks about the difference between loneliness and solitude. He shares some of the biggest contributors to modern-day loneliness and how we, as leaders, can strive to foster more belonging on our teams. Steven includes ways to help us more easily spot lonely workers and invest in connection. It's a conversation I can't wait to share with you. Learn more about Steven, his co-author, a