Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#208:There is no future ‘you’…



It is very common for us to view ourselves as 3 separate people. There is our past self, our current self, and our future self. The reality though is there is only one us.    This isn’t to say we stay the same, we know we are constantly changing. What I mean though, is that without changing something today, nothing will change in the future - except that time itself has passed.    Sometimes by thinking our future self will somehow be more equipped, more motivated, more responsible than our current, self tricks us into forgetting who we are right now has to make the shifts needed for that to actually transpire.    I will not be able to retire in the future, if I don’t start saving today.    Right now inflation is at an all time high, stocks and crypto are crashing, housing prices (in Canada) are insanely high and outpacing people’s average income levels. These are stressful times - they are also times of opportunity.    What small things can be done today, to help set you up tomorrow?    How can delaying our d