Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Special Solo Episode: Tapping Into the Energy of Money



Do you dream of being wealthy?    Of having the money to travel to amazing, beautiful places with all the people you love?   To live in the house you dream of, filled with rays of sunshine and magic?   To create a business that not only fills your bank account, but also your soul?   Yet, a little voice inside says money and material things cannot bring you happiness … just be happy with what you have.   And it’s true, money doesn’t buy happiness. But I’ve been broke and I’ve had money. Life, and business, is so much simpler with money. Money provides freedom – freedom to choose how we live, what causes we support, how we contribute.   That little voice inside whispering about the evils about money? It’s lying to you. I’m sharing the truth about money in this episode.    I hope that just like it changed my life, it will change yours too. I talk about:    - What is money in its real "form"  - Who taught us that there isn't enough money for everyone  - Some of the common money "beliefs" that hold us back  - Wh