Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 263: Card and Quarters



"The Tooth of February" by Folly Group from Human and Kind; "Klang" by KMRU from Peel; "Destroyed Fortress Reappears" by Osees from Levitation Sessions Vol II; "Unit of Hurt" by Severed and Said from Tragic Seeker; "Me Me" by Vibracathedral Orchestra from the reissue of their debut double album; "Body Electric" by Maya Shenfeld from In Free Fall; "Symphony for the Devil (Giant Swan Remix)" by Mamuthones from Aphelion Vol?.?1; "But We Want to Be Known" by Field Works from Maples, Ash, and Oaks: Cedars Instrumentals; "Silueta" by Carmen Villain from Only Love from Now On; "Outskirts, Dreamlit" by Pan-American from The Patience Fader.