Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Show Number 09.113.2: Haunted When the Minutes Drag



"Massive In Flux" by Xihilisk frpm The Black Square; "Metal Spider Webs" by Black Mold from Snow Blindness is Crystal Antz; "Nord All Black Keys" by Signer from Next We Bring You the Fire; "Hunting" by Slarrafenland from We're On Your Side; "Anna Ustinova" by Port Royal from Dying in Time; "Tblisi" by Sikhara from Anduni; "Insert Fight Club Quote Here to Demonstrate Non-Conformity and Freethinking" by Spartacus Roosevelt from Lowest Common Denominator; "We are Water" by Health from Get Color; "Cover Your Wounds With the Sky" by Six Organs of Admittance from Luminous Night; "The Lost White Brother" by Headdress from Lunes; "Pama Rum Kwan" by P. M. Pocket Music from Shadow Music of Thailand; "The Crystal Bird" by Natural Snow Buildings from Shadow Kingdom