Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Show Number 08.98.8: Whats So Funny About Greed Jealousy and Pettiness



"Prize Winning" by Shit and Shine from Cherry; "Echobase" by Earthmonkey from the Audiosapien bonus LP; "Eloper" by Scott Tuma from Not for Nobody; "Drum Like Devil" by Cave from Hunt Like Devil; "The Breath of Orion" by Ozmadawn from Rise of the Moth; "Heavy Punter" by Pumice from Quo; "Real Live Escargot" by Blevin Blectum from Gular Flutter; "Coda" by Clinic from Do It!; "Blue Skin" by Stromba from Tales from the Sitting Room; "Ink Sac" by Aaron Dilloway and C. Spencer Yeh from The Squid; "Crystal Waters" by Moolah from Woe Ye Demon Possessed; "Powerball Annie" by The Fun Years from Life Sized Psychoses.