Sex With Dr. Jess

Masochism and The Pleasure of Pain



What is masochism and why can pain feel so good? How do you differentiate between safe indulgences and pain versus self-harm? How can you begin to explore masochism for your own pleasure? How do you ensure consent while playing with pain and pleasure? Researcher and journalist, Leigh Cowart, joins Jess & Brandon to discuss the interface of revulsion and arousal. Their latest book, "Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose" is about all the ways humans consent to feeling bad, to feel better. And be sure to follow Leigh Cowart on Twitter at @voraciousbrain. Don’t forget that we’re offering 25% off our Mind-Blowing oral courses at with code PODCAST. Learn tips, strategies and techniques to ignite the spark & blow your lover’s mind with these 5-part video workshops for the clitoris and the penis. If you have questions, please send them our way, right here. We love hearing from you. And be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts, Amazon