Risen Church Nc

Ascension: Heaven's Throne - Daniel 7:9-14



Jesus' ascension to Heaven's Throne doesn't mark the end of His story or His followers' hope, but rather a new beginning. When He sat down, a new reign began over all creation. All of the earth no longer has to settle for bondage under the beasts that deceive and distract us. When we look to Jesus, we find peace, power, and purpose that's not of this world, nor limited by this world's weaknesses. In this message, we consider how Jesus' reign changes how we process our world's brokenness and burdens. We find comfort and are compelled to bring as much of Heaven to Earth as possible. The Ancient of Days is our anchor in these days. In Him we find the courage and boldness to not bow to the kingdoms of this world, but seek His Kingdom and realize its values and ideals while we wait.