Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: Julian, OH8STN- Max Capability – Minimal Gear



Julian, OH8STN, is just like most of us; he loved radios and electronic toys when he was a kid!  (Are you seeing a pattern here?)  While Julian isn't a kid anymore, he spends all of his free time 'playing radio' out in the Frigid North of Finland! Wanting to share his experiences and ideas for portable/emergency comms he set off to create content for the Amateur Radio Community.  Known around the globe as the Survival Tech Nord, Julian takes his viewers on all sorts of excursions where they can learn along with him. Licensed since 1999, SurvivalTech Nord (OH8STN) focuses on emergency Voice and Data field communications, sharing knowledge & ideas relevant to the modern survival minded comms communities. In addition to Youtube videos, Julian also Blogs about his success and failure in the differing situations he places himself in.  An devoted Android user; he is serving the Amateur Community in a real and transparent way. Wolphilink Digital Interface Yaesu 817 RaDAR Google+ Group ZS6BNE RaDAR Blogger Last we