Rimproreport With Tom Adams

Tim Goodwin of The Data Center



A veteran data industry service provider, our guest today is Tim Goodwin, the founder and CEO of The Data Center.The Data Center, which is based in Rockford, IL offers a full range of data protection services. Tim made a strategic decision years ago to only service clients with data focused solutions. To this day, that has not changed. The Data Center has evolved into co-location, cloud services and disaster recovery consulting as they have grown.Along with Tim’s story – which is instructive on it’s own  – Tim discusses his philosophy of selling. This show should be required listening for anyone selling any type of RIM services, not just data.“Always try to put your best foot forward” -Tim GoodwinWe’ll also get you caught up on the latest industry news.Enjoy the show.Special Thanks to our Exclusive Show Sponsor, O’Neil Software.