Underdog Empowerment

Ep: 335 - Building Generational Wealth with Real Estate Investing with Tim Bratz



Tim Bratz is known for investing in apartment buildings, owning over 400 currently.  He grew up watching his father run a side business, and did little things himself to make money.  While in college in 03-07, the real estate market was on fire and everyone was making money.  Tim decided to jump in and interned with a big home builder. After graduating he moved to NYC and got his real estate license.  Joining a commercial firm, Tim found himself brokering 400 sq ft spaces for $10,000/month. That’s when he realized he needed to own real estate, not be brokering it. Right as Tim broke off as a real estate investor, the market collapsed in 2008.  While everyone was running away scared, Tim was buying up cheap properties in rough neighborhoods. He ended up connecting with investors that funded his projects and he did this for several years. Then he started acquiring and sitting on properties for 10+ years and found himself sitting on a ton of money.  Tim says there’s more money out there for real estate investing