Underdog Empowerment

Ep: 336 - Designing the Future of Fatherhood



Larry Hagner didn’t have the easiest childhood. It was plagued by an absent father, an alcoholic mother, and abusive partners. At age 4, Larry thought his mom just hadn’t found his dad yet. What would follow was a stream of toxic men that were physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive.  Discovering his biological dad through chance at the age of 12, Larry’s elation would be short lived.  Deciding it was too much for him at the time, Larry’s dad abandoned him again, sending Larry into a deep depression.  Struggling through high school, things would finally start to change for Larry when he went away to college. Marrying his college sweetheart, Larry vowed to be the father and husband he never knew growing up.  Instead he found himself operating at arm's length, convinced this way he couldn’t mess anything up too bad.  Through chance yet again, Larry ran into his father.  The two rekindled their relationship and Larry realized his father was just like him, just a man that had made mistakes and was trying to