Risen Church Nc

Roe Revoked: A Biblical Response - Genesis 18



In this sobering conversation about the recent news concerning abortion, we discuss: - Does God judge an entire nation for the sins of some of its people? Does He sometimes prolong judgement in order to save sinners?(Genesis 18) - Why did God spare Israel for a similar - or perhaps worse - outbreak of sin than was seen in Sodom? (Judges 19) - The Bible makes clear that all life is precious, valuable, and sacred to Him. No measure of complication voids this truth. (Psalm 139) - God requires that His people declare how valuable all life is by ministering to the weakest and most vulnerable in society. The Bible has tons to say about God's heart for mothers and children, especially. (Deuteronomy 10) - A nation that doesn't seek justice for and keep an outstretched arm towards its most needy people stands guilty before God. No amount of worship compensates for serving those among us who are marginalized. (Isaiah 1)