Risen Church Nc

Crossroads: Cooperation of Church and State - Romans 13



Romans 12 makes the case that our duty as Christians is to follow the path of Christ, focusing on serving and loving one another. We are taught that the sanctification and transformation process will cause us all to raise others above ourselves, looking out for their best above our own. This flies in the face of our nature of self-preservation and self-promotion. It will cause us to decide if God's Kingdom or our own kingdoms are more important. This line of thought leads us into Romans 13, where Paul brings into view the kingdoms of this world and the role they play in our Christian lives of love and service. His commands are extremely contrary to our own wills and will seem completely unreasonable to most. However, if we've committed to a life of building up God's Kingdom and bringing as many under His love, then it will not be challenging at all. Together these two chapters offer us a way of escape from the pull of this world, wherein "winning" and "being in power" is most important. It puts in perspec