Risen Church Nc

DAVID: One Destiny - 1 Samuel 16



David's rise from shepherd boy to prince of Israel happened suddenly and took the nation by storm. He was beloved like none other in his generation. What once was a secret between the prophet Samuel and his family soon became a forgone conclusion: David was destined to be Israel's next king. Like any rising star, David became enraptured by his assumed destiny. From his musical skills, war trophies, and favor under Saul, it would have been hard for even the most modest person to dismiss the hype. David seemed too blessed and important to fail. However, just as quickly as he rose to fame, he saw it all unravel and taken away. King Saul turned on him and soon after, the whole nation. Within days, David went from prince to pauper, from hero to fugitive. The next chapter of his life would be spent on the run, making a series of selfish decisions as he attempted to cling to his destiny. Yet, it was during this dark episode wherein David realized that God had a greater plan for him. In the aftermath of tragedy,