Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 113: Maria Mason - Vision: A Vision for Godly Friendships Part 2 - 19 June 2022



In Part 2 of this message, we touch again on the uniqueness of Godly relationships. The key feature of Christ centred friendships is the cross. We must have the cross in our relationships if we are to live in the Spirit with one another. The cross is described as a sword in Matthew 10:33 dividing the soul and the spirit deep within our hearts. Our tendency is to be “soulish” to get our needs met by being one with everyone and not having to stand up in our convictions or values. The way of the Spirit is to teach us to stand up in our connections by being powerful to our own values. Sin will ultimately destroy us or our friendships if we don’t keep the door shut and live in the Spirit together – learning the way of deepening love.One of the most outstanding ways God has provided for us to go deeper in our friendships is to pray together. There is a unique “glue” that bonds us when we pray. Meals and lots of sharing is also obviously a way to deepen our connections, but the greatest way to deepen Christian conne