Bo Sanchez Radio

FULLTANK 1748: Are You Suffering From Spiritual Paralysis?



Are you suffering from paralysis right now? I'm not talking about physical paralysis. Rather, spiritual or emotional paralysis. I've met a lot of people who knows the right thing to do. They know what is good but they're not able to do it. Why? It's because of sin. And, most of the time, it was because of fear. If you're someone who is going through this spiritual paraylsis right now, I want you to know that God is present. You are not alone and He wants to heal you right now. --- PS. Do you want your kids to have the space and time to pursue their passions? One of the most viable solutions is homeschooling. My wife and I have homeschooled our kids almost all their life. We believe it’s one of the best decisions we’ve ever made and by clicking on you can discover if homeschooling is for you.