Marc To Markets

Private Wealth Intersects With Family Engagement



No two families are the same and no two families think about their wealth the same way.   The success of a financial plan strikes the right balance between the monetary goals and emotional well-being.   To learn more about how this can be done, I'm joined by Anne Bucciarelli, a Director in Bernstein's Family Engagement Institute.   We cover a range of topics from: How do I ensure that my heirs have the necessary skills and to successfully steward our family’s wealth?  What is the “right way” to begin talking to family about the extent of our fortune? How do we make collective decisions about our family business, prosperity, and philanthropic efforts?  How do we navigate and prepare for transitions (death, businesssuccession or sale, marriage)?With any questions or comments, or to discuss your own financial situation, I can be reached at or 212-969-6655.The information presented and opinions expressed are solely the views of the podcast host commentator and their guest spe