Nourishing The Mother

NTM 367: The real deal: what 7 years of podcasting with kids looks like



This week marks our 7 year anniversary of the launch of our podcast - Nourishing the Mother. So with sick-babe in arms, we record a podcast reflecting on what it's been like to run business alongside motherhood with freedom, flexibility and compassion front of mind.  In this episode we discuss: - Our potent memories, defining moments and deep gratitude for what this experience has given us - Running business and family as top values together - Trusting you won't know how, but you'll work it out and having the courage to leap - Being willing to pivot, fall flat and get up again, because your why is so important - Building windows of tolerance and holding yourself in the tension for longer - Weaving wisdom from a shit show day - Finding bandwidth when you thought you had none - Seeing your work in the world as part of your wellbeing - Creating and allowing imperfection - Harnessing the time you have - Choosing your hard - Giving others permission by showing upTo explore feminine embodiment, intim