Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

739 - How To Get Better Sleep



Get this episode ad-free when you join TLBC+ today: https://tlbc.co/join In this episode, we look at how your thoughts about sleep affect your quality of sleep. Get excited, because this is Tiny Leaps, Big Changes. Welcome to another episode of Tiny Leaps, Big Changes where I share research-backed strategies you can use, to get more out of your life. My name is Gregg Clunis and sleep is an incredibly important part of our lives. I'll be honest here, it's one that I often don't give enough attention to in my own life. Like many out there, I've fallen into the trap of constantly feeling like I need to be doing more. I need to get another podcast out, I need to be working on my app, I need to be building my business, I need to be watching this show and that movie and I need to play this video game and whatever else might be out there to take my attention away. But in recent years we've started to recognize the incredible value that comes with getting more sleep and I think most of us, at this point, understand h