Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

589 - Why Trying (and Failing) Matters



In this episode, we look at why trying something once and subsequently failing at it matters so much for finding success. The Problem What if I told you that there is a real reason why you are struggling to achieve your goals? Like a real, solid reason. Not some wishy washy excuse? Well there is. It may not be the only reason, and it certainly isn’t some secret technique that you need to pay me money to learn. But there is a real reason. The reason is simple, we don’t fully understand the process of setting goals and working towards them. Digging Deeper For years the self-help industry has touted the value of setting goals. There have been hundreds of books, podcasts, youtube videos, and speeches dedicated to the topic. We’ve created frameworks and processes and systems designed to make goal-setting easier or more straightforward. I’ve been a part of this too. Because for a long time I bought into the idea that the biggest problem in goal-setting was just that the systems were broken. I thought that if we cou