Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

588 - Best Mental Health Podcasts Pt.1



In this episode, we look at 3 podcasts I recommend for improving your mental health. Join Tiny Leaps Plus: http://tinyleapsplus.com Part 1: The Problem There are currently over 1 million podcasts out there for you to choose from with over 30 million episodes available. At least those numbers are from April so you can bet there are even more now. So what are we to do?? This week I want to shine a spotlight on podcasts that I think are invaluable when it comes to our mental health. So without further delay let's get into the list. Part 2: Digging Deeper The first show I want to highlight is one you might already be familiar with. It's called Therapy for Black Girls. Now I've got a bit of a confession to make *deep breath* and I'm not sure how to say this so I'm just going to say it....I am not a black girl... I know I know, shocking news. But I've never given this show a chance specifically because of that. I thought "I'm glad this resource exists for black girls and women but based on the n