Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

558 - The Privilege of Personal Development



In this episode, we continue our discussion on Personal Development as a form of Privilege. Join Thrive Market: http://thrivemarket.com/tinyleaps Get Adam's Book: http://reframetheday.com Adams Thoughts "Pursuing self-improvement is indeed a privilege, and it can easily become a selfish endeavor. But it doesn't have to end up this way. These practices are also tools to equip us for our collective struggle. To give us the awareness, the perspective, the time, the attention, the focus, and the mental energy to step up when the moment calls for it. To know we have the time and emotional capacity to drop everything to take care of a family member. To show up for a friend who's hurting. To knock on doors for a cause or candidate. To join and contribute to a mutual aid network. To protest, march, and stand in solidarity. To use that privilege for something other than our own pleasure or well-being". In Episode 553 I Said Personal development is a form of privilege. It's something that people who are doing ok