Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

446 - How to Guarantee Growth #ProgressFirst



In this episode, we look at a proven way to guarantee personal development and growth. We explore how you can be confident that you are going to make progress in your life even if it is a little bit at a time. Key Points: Why change and growth doesn't happen just by "showing up" Why you need purposeful growth How purposeful growth works How to keep yourself in the ideal zone Notable Quotes: “At its core progress is a measurement against where you used to be, not a measurement against where you want to be.” – Gregg Clunis “That's what purposeful growth actually looks like. It's figuring out the area that you want to grow in, making a drastic change in that area and then consciously choosing to show up every day.” – Gregg Clunis Important Links: www.shoptinyleaps.com