Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

444 - How to Improve Time Management #ProgressFirst



In today’s episode we are looking at four different techniques to help you improve your time management skills. Time management is such an important part of improving your life and we explore more ways to integrate these productive habits into your day. Key Points: · Making your most important task the first one · Don't give anything only half your attention · Maximize your scheduled time · Choose progress over perfection Notable Quote: “Progress above all. I do not believe in chasing perfection. I think that it is a flawed mentality. It forces us into a state where we are constantly criticizing or we are constantly upset and we are constantly holding ourselves back.” – Gregg Clunis Important Links: https://blog.proofhub.com/work-smarter-not-harder-9-time-management-tips-that-will-change-your-life-f2292f3d0044 https://jamesclear.com/time-management-tips https://www.hubgets.com/blog/ways-improve-time-management-skills/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnrampton/2018/05/01/manipulate-time-with-these-powerful-20-t