Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 115: Chris Miller - Vision: God’s prophetic ministry to the imaginations of our heart - 3 July 2022



Does God minister to the imaginations of our hearts? Yes! In this podcast, Christopher takes us through some of the many biblical accounts of God ministering to our hearts and the visions we hold there. God’s prophetic ministry to our imagination is a ministry to our hearts. It’s a combination of firstly exposing what’s in the heart, limiting our vision, and encouraging us to let go of those imaginations. Secondly, energising us towards receiving God’s ways and God’s vision in the imaginations of our hearts. For us to engage in this ministry our hearts need to soften before God. This is done through persevering in our faith, abiding in God’s loving presence and beholding God’s Word. Allowing His Word to paint pictures in our hearts of what it looks like to live in full agreement with what His Word promises.  God is wanting to build up our awareness of imagination and how it connects to our hope, faith and the realisation of God’s promises. It’s time for the church to not shrink back but instead boldly and cre