Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

835 - A Simple Approach to Saving More Money



YouTube: https://youtu.be/auef_0bYUsc Quote from Becca Pate I thought I might share one thing that helped me increase my savings. I was really having a problem 'stopping and grabbing something to eat'. Fast food and fancy coffee add up and were the cause of a lot of $ disappearing in my budget. Every time I drove by a fast food place and was tempted to stop (this usually happened otw to work in the mornings), I would drive past and when I parked at work, I took out my phone and transferred $6-$10 or whatever I was going to spend in the drive thru into my savings. I did it before I even turned the car off . I guess it worked for me because it gave me that 'instant satisfaction' of adding a little each time to my savings and it added up much quicker than I thought it would. What is addiction replacement “Everyone who’s battled an addiction understands the concept: You go from smoking to eating; from drinking to shopping; from sex to chocolate to working. You’re substituting one addiction for another in an attem