California Real Estate Radio

Downpayment Assistance programs for home buyers Santa Clarita realtor connor with honor



The problem:  Who can you trust within the online channels concerning downpayment assistance programs?Connor with Honor: (03:05)You get half a point of interest increase. Maybe that qualification now is 8 58, 25. And then that also corresponds, let's say the property has solar and there's an additional $300 a month on top of that, that has to be factored in as well. Maybe there's an HOA, that's two or $300 that needs to be factored in as well. And if there's MEUs tax or some kind of special assessment, bringing the property higher, as far as the tax rate goes higher than the typical 1.2, 5%. And that's a span folk just to let you know if you're looking at real estate 1.2, 5%. That's the general understanding of the property tax rate here in Los Angeles county for some properties is gonna fluctuate, could be a little bit lower, could be a little bit higher, the best way to do it. Just do the simple math. You find out what the assessed value is. Connor with Honor: (03:57)