E-com Sales Tax

What Does Sales Tax Automation Actually Mean?



When you are looking to get compliant with sales tax you will find a few different "automated" solutions. Peisner Johnson has been  in the sales tax trenches for the last 30 years and we have used every sales tax software solution out there.  But, to truly say that your sales tax is fully automated isn't really accurate. What is automated is truly amazing and well worth it. Let's talk about that.Questions Answered:Is sales tax automation "set it and forget it?"What about sales tax prevents it from being totally automated?What is truly automated  with sales tax automation software solutions?What does sales tax software do right?Do I need to talk to a sales tax professional?How do I know the correct sales tax rates?If you are looking for a sales tax compliance solution or you are not super happy with your current solution, lets chat. You can schedule a call with us here: https://peisnerjohnson.com/whats-next/