Google Cloud Platform Podcast

Managed Service for Prometheus with Lee Yanco and Ashish Kumar



Hosts Carter Morgan and Anthony Bushong are in the studio this week! We’re talking about Prometheus with guests Lee Yanco and Ashish Kumar and learning about the build process for Google Cloud’s Managed Service for Prometheus and how Home Depot uses this tool to power their business. To begin with, Lee helps us understand what Managed Service for Prometheus is. Prometheus, a popular monitoring solution for Kubernetes, lets you know that your project is up and running and in the event of a failure, Prometheus lets you know what happened. But as Kubernetes projects scale and spread across the globe, Prometheus becomes a challenge to manage, and that’s where Google Cloud’s Managed Service for Prometheus comes in. Lee describes why Prometheus is so great for Kubernetes, and Ashish talks about CNCF’s involvement helps open source tools integrate easily. With the help of Monarch, Google’s Managed Service stands above the competition, and Lee explains what Monarch is and how it works with Prometheus to benefit users