Nourishing The Mother

NTM 370: Recession proofing your family financially and emotionally with Coco, the astro-economist - Part 2



If you can’t deal with your emotions, you can’t deal with your money. So in this episode with Coco the astro economist, we talk building your intuition to build your wealth, working on your self-worth to build you net worth, busting your ‘hard work’ beliefs, and not waiting for the perfect time. We also explore how empowering ourselves as mothers, empowers our daughters so they may free themselves from a life of financial abuse. In this two-part series we cover:* The crippling effect of the fear of 'losing it all' that holds you and your family back* What a good money manager is and how to become one* Your self-worth underpins your ability to make money and build your wealth* Make love to the numbers you hate* Earning more than your partner is not a bad thing, you just usher in a new version of your partner* Choosing intuition over intellect towards financial growth* Following the small signs each day to build a strong trust in your own intuition* We can subconsciously sabotage ourselves and 'l