Reaching Your World With Luis Palau

Christmas Started in the Garden of Eden



Have you ever thought about the fact that all good things, including Christmas, are mostly about waiting? The story of Christmas actually goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. The day Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God didn’t panic. Heaven didn’t go on red alert. God had seen this coming long before creation. The Lord found Adam and Eve, sacrificed a pair of animals to clothe them, and spoke of a coming Messiah who would bring salvation to God’s people. And then, with tears running down His cheeks, He dismissed Adam and Eve from the garden. I can almost see the Lord standing by the forbidden tree, knowing that one day He Himself would return to earth. Disguised as a human baby, He grew up and let Himself be nailed to a tree, bearing the world’s sins in His own body. And by doing so, Jesus offered new, eternal life to all who believe. The Lord stooped to join the human family that we might be lifted up to join His family. God’s Son was born as the seed o