Reaching Your World With Luis Palau

Dark Pasts



A man once said to me, “Luis, how can I possibly be joyful at Christmas? I was unfaithful to my wife, and she left me years ago. Now, I’m alone, and filled with regret.” I told him that Jesus, our Savior, came to save us from our past sins. Even the worst of our sins. And this is all the reason we need to celebrate Him at Christmas. You know, so many people suffer with intense guilt over the bad things they may have done in the past. The enemy, Satan, likes to beat us down with shame and guilt, because it keeps us in bondage to our own sins. But Jesus came so that we might have life—and have it to the full. When we receive Jesus into our hearts, and confess our sins to God, and repent of them, we are forgiven, for good and forever. In Acts 10:15, God said to Peter, “What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.” The truth is, Jesus loves you more than you could possibly know! Regardless of the mistakes you have made, He loves you. And when He came into the earth as a baby so many years ago, He ultimately