Reaching Your World With Luis Palau

Giving Thanks



The other day I was reading the Gospel of Luke… Jesus was on his way to Galilee and came across ten men with leprosy. They asked Jesus to have pity on them and Jesus healed them. Now, here’s the verse that stood out to me. Luke 17:15 says, “One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” Jesus healed ten men. Of the ten, only one returned to thank him. How convicting! Jesus has healed us too. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He has made a way for us to have a relationship with Him. We can be forgiven of our sins, spend eternity with Him in heaven and live life with Him right now. And yet, how many of us have earnestly thanked Him? Are our daily lives clearly showing people our love and gratitude for our Savior? If we’re to reach our world, people have to see that we are different. Our lives should reflect thankful hearts. As followers of Jesus, we need to show and tell the world how grateful we are for the difference Jesus C