Solar Energy Show

Global Warming – We’re Screwed



Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon When it comes to global warming – we’re screwed. I’m telling it like it is so we don’t continue misleading ourselves that we are on a path to reduce global warming. We have had 20+ years of climate activism; many Inconvenient Truths; wildfires, floods, droughts, blackouts; and now energy wars. Still, the economic interests from fossil fuels and related industries continue to suppress the necessary actions. Which is no surprise since the solution to global warming effectively means the end of the fossil fuel industry. The ostensible cause of this slow-motion humanity train wreck is that the politicians of our world cannot agree on either the problem or the solution. But the root cause of this political indecision is due to very effective fossil fuel industry lobbying. They mislead the public and effectively bribe politicians. How do we change this trajectory? Simple: in the short term do not support climate change-denying politicians in any way. Vote against