Risen Church Nc

His Body: Called Together - 1 Corinthians 1:1-13



This message is an introduction to our 1 Corinthians study, with some important context about the circumstances that led to the Corinth church plant and the pressure it would have been under from its secular culture. Listen as we discover how Paul's word to Corinth is just as relevant to the Church in today's world as it was so many years ago. In many ways, the spirit of selfishness that sought to tempt and divide the Church at Corinth is even more prevalent and potent in our current age. Thankfully, Paul's appeal about the true gift of the local church and how it helps us realize our faith to its fullest extent shows us the way to navigate this pressure. In this intro, we discuss key topics like discipleship and fellowship, unity and the true nature of Christ's Body. *Apologies for poor audio recording. Master file was lost, and this is the backup file*