Under The Arch

S3 Ep. 9 Shifting the Narrative Around Housing Insecurity ft. Ramona Curtis



ArchCity Defenders and Action St. Louis present the premiere collaborative podcast, "Under The Arch." Your hosts Blake Strode, Executive Director of ArchCity Defenders, and Kayla Reed, Director of Action St. Louis, explore the issues facing our community and the people working to transform them.This week, our hosts speak with former journalist and founder of Unhoused STL, Ramona Curtis, about the worsening condition of houselessness in St. Louis and how developing a community-based structure of social support can help keep our friends and neighbors off the streets. Join the conversation around this week's episode using #UnderTheArch and send us your feedback at underthearchpod@gmail.com. This week's Music Minute features the song "Broken Body” by Nathaniel Carrol & The Party Line. Stream more of their music on your favorite streaming platform and visit ncpartyline.com or follow @nc_partyline on Instagram for live concerts. Know a local artist who'd like to feature their song